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Nov. 17, 2023 12:00 p.m.
November 17 will be our yearly raffle drawing to win a Rolex watch. Many donations and contributions have gone into this event, beyond the mere sale of raffle tickets. But all of these monies have been contributed to one entity which has been an integral part of our Rotary Club for decades. Our Club's foundation, known as the Rotary Club of Memorial Spring Branch Charities, Inc.,(or Charities, Inc. in Club-speak) funds many charitable acts in which our Club particiaptes. But how does this foundation work? Who contributes to it and what are tangible results of such contributions? Ashok Garg and Bill Haglund will asnwer such questions, and indicate the importance of what Charities, Inc. does. After the presentation, our meeting will conclude with the raffle drawing to see who will win the Rolex watch. |
Nov. 30, 2023
Dec. 05, 2023
Dec. 08, 2023 12:00 p.m.
Chloe is the Texas Coastal Outreach Coordinator for American Bird Conservancy and oversees the outreach efforts of the SPLASh program. Chloe earned a degree in Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences from Texas A&M University and has a background in research, extension programming, and environmental education. SPLASh envisions a Texas coast where local communities and natural resource managers are working together to reduce coastal trash pollution, creating an environment where people, birds, and other wildlife thrive.
Dec. 15, 2023 12:00 p.m.
Harris County Commissioner Tom Ramsey will be speaking to us about the State of Precinct 3. A native Texan, he grew up in Crockett and has a Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering from Texas A&M University. Prior to running for Commissioner of Harris County Precinct 3 in 2020, he worked as a civil-engineer and senior executive for various companies. Precinct 3 is approximately 47% of unincorporated Harris County. As Commissioner of Precinct 3, Commissioner Ramsey is responsible for nearly 6,800 lanes miles of roadway, 69 parks, and 10 Community and Nature Centers. The Precinct’s Engineering team currently manages approximately $760M worth of infrastructure projects. Commissioner Ramsey and his wife, Marsha, have lived in Precinct 3 for the past thirty years, and have raised three kids who have attended schools in Spring Branch ISD. He is active at Second Baptist Church, having served as an adult Sunday school teacher and deacon. He also serves as Treasurer of Loving Kids, a local initiative that helps under-served Houston children. |
Dec. 24, 2023
Dec. 25, 2023
Dec. 26, 2023 - Jan. 01, 2024
Dec. 31, 2023
Jan. 05, 2024 12:00 p.m.
This Friday, the Club will be having its mid-year Club Assembly. But what does that actually mean? Simply, this meeting gives the Club President the opportunity to review what the Club has done in the previous six months, and where the Club is headed or needs to head in the next six months. It is important that, as active Rotarians in our Club, we attend so we know where the Club stands on its projects, Club goals, District goals, and so forth.
Jan. 15, 2024
Feb. 02, 2024 12:00 p.m.
On Friday, February 2, Robert Westheimer will come to present about the Houston Holocaust Museum. Opened in 1996, the museum’s goal is to educate students and the public about the dangers of hatred and prejudice in society. It was the brainchild of Houstonian and Holocaust survivor Seigi Izakson. According to the museum’s website, Izakson was “convinced that the city needed a Holocaust education center and memorial that would preserve for future generations the memory of those who had perished and the stories of those who had survived”. Robert is retired from the Business Consulting Practice of Arthur Andersen & Co., and volunteers at the museum on a regular basis. He is also the founder of Newspring, an organization which helps promote economic development in the Spring Branch area. |
Feb. 14, 2024
2024 RodeoHouston
Feb. 16, 2024 12:00 p.m.
It's time for that annual Houston tradition when we dust off our boots and watch the trail riders come into town. This Friday, Terry Pettijohn will be presenting to us about 2024 RodeoHouston.
Terry is a member of the Speakers Committee of the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo, and she will update us about what is happening with RodeoHouston this year, and perhaps inform us of some interesting facts the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo in the past and present.
Feb. 26, 2024
Mar. 01, 2024 12:00 p.m.
The following description about "Houston Legends" comes from the website:
This is the first Houston history book to be written from the business perspective, where the stories behind the successes are told. "Houston Legends" contains extrapolations into business culture innovators. Each chapter features historical perspectives in several key industries in the area’s dynamic growth. Each topic is reviewed on the economic impact, the business contributions and the people involved and creative activities will be chronicled. Recurring themes include entrepreneurial spirit, business survival, strategies, growth and vision. The names, dates and events are intertwined with anecdotes, applicable to modern business. Common themes include giving back generously to the community, stages in the evolution of a business, creativity and mentoring the next generation of leaders. |
Mar. 17, 2024
Apr. 05, 2024 12:00 p.m.
Bill Haglund grew up in Galveston, Texas, and graduated from the College of Veterinary Medicine at Texas A&M University in August of 1971. He began the practice of veterinary medicine, three days after graduation, at The Animal Clinic in Galveston, working for Dr. Edmund Henderson, and with Dr. Robert Davidson, a clinic at which they had both worked as kennel boys while in high school. Dr. Haglund joined the Rotary Club of Galveston in August of 1972, and the Rotary Club of Memorial-Spring Branch in August of 1975. He has served as Club President twice, and has been active in Rotary projects in the Spring Branch area, especially the Club’s scholarship program. He is active within District 5890, serving as Chief of Staff for several District Governors. |
Apr. 15, 2024
May 05, 2024