Jul 19, 2024 12:00 PM
Update (7/18): Due to an unexpected surgery, Ted Meyer will not be able to attend our meeting tomorrow. What do Disaster Aid USA and baseball have in common? Wayne Beaumier from the Rotary Club of Cypress-Fairbanks! Wayne will be our featured speaker. Let's show him some love and be there at tomorrow's meeting. You won't want to miss it. (A speedy full recovery to you, Ted!)
I heard in a movie once that “there’s no crying in baseball!”. While I cannot speak to that, I do know that the sport of baseball has received a lot of focus over the years through books and movies. One area of focus has been in leadership.

Employment attorney Ted Meyer will speak to us regarding the best leadership practices in professional baseball, and how they can apply to life outside the sport.

In addition to representing numerous clients on matters relating to leadership and organizational excellence, Ted is also a self-taught baseball historian. He has pursued both interests over 30 years, ultimately inspiring him to write his book “Championing the Cause of Leadership: A Look at the Baseball Dynasties”.